Features and indications for the use of the drug Boldenone injection

Boldenone injectionTo build muscle, a person needs an increase in metabolism in the body. To do this, the athlete takes special drugs with synthetic elements from steroid hormones (testosterone is one of them). One of the popular drugs of this nature is Boldenone – a real example of the current sports pharmacology. The drug is produced in the form of ampoules and is administered with a syringe; assigned courses.

You can take this medicine for 10 weeks, starting with a small dose and bringing the amount of Boldenone to 100 milligrams every day (for women) and 800 milligrams for men. Because the drug is not very active, then the occurrence of side effects (for example, gynecomastia or an increase in blood pressure) is out of the question.
In addition, antiandrogenic drugs should not be taken with Boldenone injection. The fair sex can safely take the drug, the main thing is to correctly calculate the dose. And in the male body, Boldenone injection, as a rule, increases libido.

Advantages of the drug:

  • Boldenone injection causes the growth of muscle tissue.
  • Positive effect on the circulatory system.
  • Increases potency.
  • Awakens the appetite and increases the stamina of the body.

While taking the drug, the fluid in the cells of the body does not linger. The drug is not considered hepatotoxicity and does not cause any harm to the cardiovascular system. Muscles grow slowly, but qualitatively. This process becomes noticeable with the use of PCT drugs. Men also need to take gonadotropin to control their own testosterone levels in the body.

Indications for use of the drug and possible combinations

Taking this type of medicine, you can achieve an increase in the strength indicators of amateurs and professionals. Thanks to Boldenone injection, new red blood cells are formed, which contribute to the flow of nutrients into muscle tissue. Due to this, the feeling of fatigue during training decreases and there is a desire to increase the load. Thus, a person is able to do a huge amount of exercise in a short period of time. The endurance that this drug provides is very significant for bodybuilders and skiers.

This drug should be administered taking into account the unique characteristics of an amateur or professional. The individual characteristics of the body include strength indicators and an increase in muscle mass in general. In conclusion, it must be said that the drug is harmless and excludes aromatization.

Рубрика: Медицина 17 August , 2023

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